Friends and Family: Praise the Lord for allowing us to minister to the peoples of the Amazon this past month. We saw over 25 decisions for Christ, handed out over 500 tracts, provided jungle pastors with SOS mini-boards and tracts and saw God's hand in every moment of our trip. Our team will be giving a more comprehensive mission report at Eastmont Baptist Church on Sunday, August 14 during the 10:30am worship service so mark your calendars to attend!
Here is an entry from my journal after our first full day of ministry in Caballo Cocha, Peru:
Sunday, July 24
Up early to pray, read Bible and journal. Breakfast of instant coffee with evaporated milk & sugar and water, bacon, crackers or bread and peanut butter and jelly. Beautiful weather.
Took a smaller boat down the Amazon to our first village today. Small wooden building on stilts is a church and all in the village came - 25 plus adults and 20 plus kids. Selena - older woman in the village - grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go. Kept talking to me in Spanish - Francisco said "she wants to understand you." Jungle pastor spoke and sang then our group sang and I gave my testimony and call to the ministry and shared the SOS presentation. Several made decisions for Christ! Some will be baptized tomorrow and some will be married - Conzwella & Shee-Shee and Selena & ?. Lauren, Willow, Bella and Veronica (Juan's sister) taught the children.
After visit, we swam in the Amazon then back to Caballa Cocha for a lunch of meat, rice, fresh roasted carrots & potatoes. Coke and water are their staple drinks! Played UNO with some of the Santana family, rested some, met Santana's brother in ministry, Ronaldo Rengifo Lores who pastors the Iglesia Bautista La Roca Del Poder in Caballo Cocha and spoke with him about SOS, encouraged him, and gave him some miniboards and tracts.
Then got ready to go to Francisco Santana's church - Iglesia Biblica Bautista "Fe", Loreto N 205 Caballo Cocha. Met "Miracle Man who was paralyzed but now walks - to church every day and evangelizes. He was excited to get tracts and crosses to hand out. Church had 20 plus adults and 20 plus children. Our group sang and I gave my testimony and call to the mission and SOS presentation. As Christians, I encouraged them to share about Jesus and gave them all tracts.
Back to Santana home for a dinner of scrambled eggs, bread and a peach with Coke and water. Bella got sick a second time from taking anti-malaria medicine on an empty stomach. Note: she needs to eat more!
End of journal entry
These tshirts will be available in the long hallway at Eastmont on 8/14 for a donation of $20. We have a limited number of tshirts in small, medium and large; however, we are happy to take preorders that would be ready within 3 weeks.
(Note: "Voluntario" is in BLUE not white.)
Because of your support this past month, we have been able to serve and minister through SOS, having seen over 25 decisions for Christ as a result of the mission trip to South America, including many more who heard the Good News and with jungle pastors being equipped and empowered with SOS miniboards and tracts and continued committed administrative work behind the scenes to make it all happen!
The month of July...
July 4-8: 1J2 Back Yard Bible Club at Hyde Park where many were reached for Christ!
The month of July...
July 4-8: 1J2 Back Yard Bible Club at Hyde Park where many were reached for Christ!
July 5, 6 & 8: We bought our tickets to South America, got our yellow fever and typhoid shots and did some last minute gear shopping at a local thrift store...where a lady gave us $20, helped get us a discount on our items and said she'd pray for us! We also practiced our Spanish songs for the trip to South America and the Hispanic Ministry at Eastmont prayed with us and over us for our trip.
July 18: Nancy Morse invited Patty to speak at Eastmont's Women on Mission meeting at 9:30am.
July 19: Nancy Butler invited Patty to speak at Eastmont's Young Women on Mission meeting at 6pm.
July 21-30: Patty, Willow and Bella along with Pastor Juan Santana, Samuel Norwood and Lauren House were on mission Sharing the Good News with All to the peoples of South America. Join us at Eastmont at 10:30 am on Sunday, August 14 to hear about this amazing trip.
Our weekly "2:07 Revival Prayer Group" is going strong. Join us in Spirit in prayer for revival each day at 2:07 (set a reminder on your phone!) and join us each Wednesday night in person in Room 207 from 6-7pm to pray 2 Chronicles 07:14 and share your heart and vision for reaching the lost as we prepare for upcoming SOS events.
On the horizon for SOS...
August: Volunteer training at Dexter Avenue Baptist Memorial Church.
On the horizon for SOS...
August: Volunteer training at Dexter Avenue Baptist Memorial Church.
September 11: Eastmont's Country Country Concert, 5pm.
Oct 9: Volunteer training at Eastmont, Room 118, 12-2pm - FREE LUNCH!
Oct 15: Eastmont's Fall Missions Yard Sale, 6am-12noon.
Oct 21-23: NASCAR fall races at Talladega.
Oct 30: Eastmont's Trunk or Treat, 4:30-6pm. Two booths this year!
Oct 28-Nov 6: Alabama National Fair. Our biggest event of the year-836 decisions to date!
Dec 3: Eastmont's Children's Christmas Festival, 9am-12 noon.
Oct 15: Eastmont's Fall Missions Yard Sale, 6am-12noon.
Oct 21-23: NASCAR fall races at Talladega.
Oct 30: Eastmont's Trunk or Treat, 4:30-6pm. Two booths this year!
Oct 28-Nov 6: Alabama National Fair. Our biggest event of the year-836 decisions to date!
Dec 3: Eastmont's Children's Christmas Festival, 9am-12 noon.
Should you know of any opportunities for us to share the ministry, please give us a call.
Sharing the Good News with All (Mark 16:15),
Bobby, Patty, Willow & Bella Mills
SOS Events, P. O. Box 189, Dover, FL 33527
website: - email:
Your prayer and financial support are greatly appreciated!
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First village visited on Sunday, July 24. Several made decisions for Christ and some were to be baptized the next day - and some were to be married! Praise the Lord! |
Third village we visited on Tuesday, July 26, where 6 plus people gave their lives to Christ! Gustavo, Dios Alina & Glecami (married), Dabee and Maximo and some children. Praise the Lord! |
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Fourth village we visited on Tuesday, July 26, where several gave their lives to Christ! |
Sharing the Good News with All (Mark 16:15),
Bobby, Patty, Willow & Bella Mills
SOS Events, P. O. Box 189, Dover, FL 33527
website: - email:
Your prayer and financial support are greatly appreciated!
WOW!! So excited to read about some of your Amazon adventure!! I had saved it for when I had plenty of time to read and relish without rushing through it !! I'd LOVE to meet for coffee or ice cream or lunch or all of the above and talk and chat with ya'll in PERSON!! I am sorry I couldn't come hear ya'll speak on the was promotion day at our church and Howard and I are the Youth Sunday School Directors we kinda needed to be there!!!! I'm free on Wednesday and Friday mornings......if that's ever good with you......I'm really wanting to hear and see photos!!!! Thanks for your willingness to be used by GOD!! Love to you all!!!!!! Jill Wells