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Alabama SOS Leaders Patty Mills, Dale Brown, Dorothy Brown, Zack Godwin, Rosalyn Godwin, Carl Norton, Tabitha Ragsdale, Kay Ciniglio (not pictured, Jessica Fleming) |
It's been over a year since I've posted here. So much has happened in what seems to be a blink of an eye...and, eternally speaking, I guess it has been...
As our family gets ready to send out a letter to friends and family to share the wonderful news about my calling as a Missionary with SOS, I reflect back and now clearly see that God's plans for this blog were better than I could even dream. So I can't help but get excited when I think about looking forward to what God has in store for 2016!
"Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me." - Psalm 51:10This is my continual plea: For God to give me a clean heart and right spirit about all that I think, say and do. That He continually fill me to overflowing with His love so that it spills out on all those around me. That He causes my passion for telling others about Jesus to burn deeper and brighter each day. And though I can't possibly answer all the when, how, why, what, and where questions about this amazing and humbling divine intervention in my life {mainly because I don't know all the answers yet myself}, I wanted to use this venue to share a bit more about what I do know. And I pray that in my answers you see His heart and Spirit in this calling on my life.
"In the same way that you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world." John 17:18
How do you know God has called you as a Missionary?
-Because I would never have chosen it on my own! But now looking back on my life, I clearly see the unmistakable hand of God in the way He created me and in His guiding me to His calling on my life. My fifth grade teacher called me a "social butterfly." My senior year I was voted "Most Popular." And recently when I dressed up for our church's Trunk or Treat as "Joy" from Disney's movie "Inside Out," everyone said the role fit me perfectly. These may seem like random bits of seemingly unimportant and a tad vain descriptions of me but I believe it's no accident that God created me the way He did - to truly love, even crave, talking and interacting with people. His plan all along was to use the gifts of time, talents, treasure, evangelism and exhortation (encouraging) to share about His Son. It is what He created me to do.
"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He has planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10
Who is SOS?
-SOS stands for Serving Our Savior. SOS Events is a life saving evangelical ministry that helps churches and individuals share the Good News by using two simple but effective methods, one designed to be used at events and another for personal witnessing. It was founded in Dover, Florida by Tom & Carolyn Curtis and since its beginning in 2001 it has seen over 60,000 people make decisions for Christ. Their vision for evangelism and discipleship is to see millions of new people led into a close relationship with God through Christ Jesus in every town, city, country and state in America and around the world. I have been privileged to help grow Alabama SOS, our local training center in Alabama, and have help train many churches, groups and individuals on SOS' methods and have seen over 1,300 decisions for Christ statewide.
"O, magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together." Psalm 34:3
Why SOS?
-God made that choice for me. I walked into an SOS training at my church thinking it was a class to help me work on my testimony. Had I known it was a soulwinning class I would never have gone! But God knew once He equipped and empowered me to share and I led that first person to Christ...there would be no stopping me. I moved quickly from a passionate volunteer to training and then serving as a Missionary Leader and now have surrendered my life as a Missionary with SOS.
"The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me." Acts 20:24
Will you be traveling the world or just doing local events?
-My first and greatest mission is as a helper to my husband and as a mother to my two girls, my priority blessings. God knows how much I love to travel, I have surrendered to Him fully and will go wherever He leads, and SOS is a mobile ministry with volunteers serving across the country and even in foreign countries, so the opportunity is definitely there but...in this season of life I feel my calling will remain as a local missionary and He has given me an acute awareness of the many lost in my own neighborhood, city, county and state. We also still have many local churches, organizations and individuals who would benefit from being trained on how to use SOS' amazingly simple but highly effective method of sharing the Gospel.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere--in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8
Are you being sponsored by your church or other organization?
-No {not yet}. Through our Missionary Support letter, we are asking family and friends to partner with us in our faith journey through prayer and financial support. We thank God for faithfully and creatively providing for us each day. He has given Bobby a job where he assists with our military veterans and ministers to coworkers and their families and He has blessed him with a talent for painting artwork. He has given me part time jobs where I can freely minister with SOS and to the needs of our family as well as other families. He has provided unexpected but perfectly-timed gifts through family, friends and strangers. And there is no way we could walk this journey alone...and we don't want to...so thank you in advance for partnering with us. And if God has used or is using you to bless us, we thank God for you as we boldly claim His promise that:
"Your gift will return to you in full - pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap." Luke 6:38
How Can You Be Involved?
Become a prayer partner. Prayer is the most vital part of this ministry. Please email us at AlabamaServingOurSavior@gmail.comto share your commitment to partner with us in prayer.
Give a recurring monthly or one-time gift. Your tax deductible gift {in any amount} will enable many others to hear and receive the greatest gift of all: Salvation through our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
1. Go to www.SOSevents.org and click DONATE.
2. Complete donation amount and billing information and click Review Donation and Continue.
3. Designate "For Missionary: Patty Mills" under SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO SELLER.
Can't give online?
Send checks to: SOS Events, PO Box 189, Dover, FL 33527-0189
Designate "For Missionary: Patty Mills" on your check's memo line.
Designate "For Missionary: Patty Mills" on your check's memo line.
- For the lost-
- That they would hear the Good News and receive the gift and assurance of salvation.
- That they would grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
- That they would share the Good News with all.
- For God's continual leading in my life.
- For opportunities to share.
- For my prayer and financial needs to be met and for my support to grow.
- For SOS-
- they are in need of prayer, resources, volunteers and Missionary Leaders.
- For my family and friends-
- as they adjust to the changes resulting from this call on my life.
Please stay in touch! I would love to pray for you, too.
Sharing the Good News with All {Mark 16:15},
Patty Mills
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The Alabama National Fair, a 10 day event in Oct/Nov, is Alabama SOS' biggest event of the year. Over 800 people have made decisions for Christ since Alabama SOS' first booth in 2013! |